【Announcement】College of Social Sciences, National Chengchi University Guideline for Application/Selection of Student Overseas Exchange Program for 2025 Fall/2026 Spring
一、 相關辦法: 依據「國立政治大學社會科學學院國際交換學生計畫實施辦法」(詳附件一)及各姐妹院交換合約辦理。 I. Regulations: The guideline is stipulated in accordance with the “Regulations for the Implementation of the International Exchange Student Program of the College of Social Sciences, National Chengchi University” and the academic agreements between the partner colleges and CSS, NCCU. 二、 交換期間: 114學年度第一學期或114學年度第二學期(每位申請人以出國交換一學期為原則)。 ※ 社科院赴海外交換學生甄選每年於年初舉辦一次,擬於114 學年度第一學期或第二學期出國交換者,均應於本次申請期限內提出申請。 II. Period of Exchange: 2025 Fall semester or 2026 Spring semester. (In principle, the exchange period granted to each applicant will be limited to one semester.) ※ The CSS, NCCU selection