College of Social Sciences, National Chengchi University Guideline for Application/Selection of Student Overseas Exchange Program for 2021 Fall/2022 Spring
※Please read the “Special Notes on 2022-2023 Student Overseas Exchange Program” (Appendix IV) for our the detailed policy regarding withdrawal/ cancellation of exchange student status in response to Covid-19.
一、 相關辦法:
I. Regulations:
The guideline is stipulated in accordance with the “Regulations for the Implementation of the International Exchange Student Program of the College of Social Sciences, National Chengchi University” (see Appendix I) and the academic agreements between the partner colleges and CSS, NCCU.
二、 交換期間:
※ 社科院赴海外交換學生甄選每年於年初舉辦一次,擬於111學年度第一學期或第二學期出國交換者,均應於本次申請期限內提出申請。
II. Period of Exchange:
2022 fall semester or 2023 spring semester. (In principle, the exchange period granted to each applicant will be limited to one semester.)
※ The CSS, NCCU selection of student overseas exchange program will be held once a year at the beginning of the year. Anyone who plans to study abroad for exchange during 2022 fall semester or 2023 spring semester through this program should submit his/her application prior to the deadline stipulated by the guideline.
三、 申請資格:
III. Qualifications for Application:
Please refer to Article 3 of “Regulations for the Implementation of the International Exchange Student Program of the College of Social Sciences, National Chengchi University” for eligibility. The student who passes the selection and is nominated by CSS, NCCU is required to remain enrolled as a full-time student of NCCU.
四、 申請截止日/申請方式:
1. 欲申請於111學年度第2學期前往日本明治大學、日本創價大學、或印尼加查馬達大學此三所學校進行交換者,請於2022年2月14日(星期四)下午5點以前將申請資料email至,紙本資料最晚2月18日(星期五)下午5點以前,送至社科院國際事務辦公室(綜合院館北棟12樓)。
2. 其餘情形(例如,擬於111-2前往上述二所學校或111-1、111-2前往上述以外其他學校交換者)請於2021年3月18日(星期五)下午5點以前將紙本申請資料送至社科院辦公室。
※ 逾期提出申請者,恕不受理。
IV. Application Deadline and Procedure:
Please submit your application in hardcopy to CSS International Affairs Office prior to the deadline scheduled below.
1. For anyone who applies for the seats offered by Meiji University, Soka University in Japan, or University of Gadjah Mada in Indonesia, the application and relevant documents should be emailed to before 5 p.m., February 14th, 2022, Friday.
The hard copy arrives at CSS International Affairs Office before 5 p.m., February 18th, 2022, Friday.
2. Other applicants should ensure their applications and relevant documents arrive at CSS International Affairs Office before 5 p.m., March 18th, 2022, Friday.
五、 申請應繳交文件:
1. 申請表(詳附件二)
2. 學期班平均排名證明(研究生免繳此項)
3. 中、英文在學成績單各一份
4. 兩年內之相關語言檢定成績證明單一份(申請赴大陸交換者免繳此項)。
5. 其他補充資料,如個人簡歷表、教師推薦信(至多兩份為限)、相關證照等。
V. Documents to be Submitted:
1. Application form (See Appendix II)
2. Proof of semester average ranking (Graduate students are exempt from this requirement.)
3. NCCU transcript in English and Chinese (One copy for each)
4. A copy of the language test certificate within two years (Those applying for exchange to China are exempted from this item.)
5. Other supplementary or supporting materials, such as resume, letter of recommendation (two copies at the maximum), and relevant certificates, etc.
※Please prepare one copy of each of the above documents. DO NOT bind them in a booklet; just use an Elliot folder or L shape folder to organize the documents in good order. Except for the language test certificate, which can be provided as a photocopy (the original is available for inspection), all other documents should be submitted in their original copies.
※The letter of recommendation should be always written either in English or in the official language of the country to which the applicant applies for an exchange to go. Letters of recommendation in support of those who apply for an exchange to go to the Mainland China can be written in Chinese.
六、 111學年度開放申請交換學校清單及各校甄選名額:請詳附件三。
VI. List of partner universities open for 2022 fall/ 2023 spring and the number of places offered by each university: Please refer to Appendix III.
七、 審查甄選方式:以書面審查為原則。
VII. Procedure for Selection:
There will be a committee formed and dedicated to review the materials submitted by the applicants. A face-to-face interview is not conducted in principle.
八、 說明會辦理時間及地點:將另行公告
VIII. Date and Time for Briefing:
A briefing dedicated to introduce to the students what to prepare to submit their applications for the overseas exchange will be told later.
九、 錄取名單公告日期:
1. 欲申請於111學年度第1學期前往日本明治大學、日本創價大學、或印尼加查馬達大學此三所學校進行交換者,錄取名單預訂於2022年2月20日公告。
2. 其餘情形,錄取名單預訂於2022年3月31日公告。
IX. Date of Announcement of Admission List:
1. For anyone who applies for the seats offered by Meiji University, Soka University in Japan, or University of Gadjah Mada in Indonesia, the result will be announced on (or before)February 20th, 2022.
2. The result for the other applicants will be announced on or before March 31st, 2022.
十、 連絡窗口:林芳如專員
X. Contact Person for student exchange program and selection procedure:
Ms. Fannie Fanglu, LIN
Where to consult: Please visit Ms. LIN at CSS International Affairs Office (12nd floor, Northern Wing, General Building)
Telephone number for consultation: 886-2-29393091 Ext.51280
E-mail address for consultation: