01/17 社科院【博士生工作坊】CSS Ph.D. Colloquium (Launch Party)

敬邀社科院博士生們,參與社科院【博士生工作坊】/ CSS Ph. D. Colloquium (Launch Party)

  • 時間/ Time:2019年1月17日12:10-13:30 / 12:10-13:30, January 17, 2019
  • 地點/ Venue:綜合院館五樓學術交誼廳/ Common Room, 5F, General Building
  • 主持/ Host:社科院院導師、社會系高國魁老師/ Pascal Kao, Ph. D., College Advisor & Associate Professor of Sociology Department, College of Social Sciences
  • 博士經驗分享:院導師羅光達老師(財政系)、院導師陳建綱老師(政治系)
  • 報名/ Please Sign up: https://bit.ly/2TFwy2s
  • 活動流程/ Rundown:
    社科院院長江明修開場致詞/ Welcome speech by Dean Chiang of the College of Social Sciences, Distinguished Professor of Public Administration Department
    與會老師介紹/ Introduction of faculties from the College.
    與會同學自我介紹/ Self-introductions of doctoral students (including research project and thesis etc.)
    社科院博士生工作坊說明/ Introduction of ‘CCS Ph. D. Colloquium’ (by Dr. Pascal Kao or Dr. C. K. Chen)
    午餐/ Lunch & Chat
  • 餐點:buffet
    Poster: http://bit.ly/2AEP4AU
  • 社會科學學院學生事務/院導師主辦 Organized by College of Social Sciences