【社科院公告】Announcement from College of Social Science


1. 懇請老師同仁與同學出入與上課確實戴好口罩,自我保護也保護他人。

2. 我們會補充確認綜合院館電梯的手洗消毒酒精,也請大家多加使用手部消毒,多一層防護。

3. 學校場所設有體溫量測與實聯制者,也請大家一起共同落實。

4. 因為目前中央CDC對遠距上課的規範已有調整,我們將隨時聯繫學校,確認更新最新因應作為。也會了解協助系所準備遠距教學設備,因應可能的需要。.請各系所確實掌握目前須自主健康管理及居家隔離的教職員生,以便即時提供所需要的協助。

Yesterday (April 19th) NCCU was notified that 2 students tested positive for COVID-19. We at the College of Social Sciences (CSS) have confirmed the movement of these students and shared the information with the relevant offices. Immediately, NCCU disinfected the locations visited by those students. Before NCCU releases any more details regarding prevention measures for COVID-19, the CSS urges everyone to work together in order to ensure a safe learning environment. This means:

1. Wearing and keeping face masks on at all times in class and when entering/leaving the building in order to protect yourself and others. 
2. CSS will provide hand sanitizer in the elevator of this building. You may use it to disinfect yourself. 3. Getting your temperature checked and registering your name and information with NCCU.
4. The current CDC’s guidelines for remote learning has been adjusted. We will keep you updated if the administration revises any policy and or policy measures. The CSS will also assist the department/program offices with providing Equipment(s) for remote learning in preparation to meet any possible needs.