【 公告 】國立政治大學社會科學學院109學年度赴海外交換學生甄選










  1. 申請表(詳附件二)
  2. 學期班平均排名證明(研究生免繳此項)
  3. 中、英文在學成績單各一份
  4. 有效之相關語言檢定成績證明單一份(申請赴大陸交換者免繳此項)
  5. 其他補充資料,如個人簡歷表、教師推薦信(至多兩份為限)、相關證照等。






社科院辦公室(綜院南棟13樓) 吳助教
電話: (02)29393091分機51372
Email: cwunccu@nccu.edu.tw

College of Social Sciences, National Chengchi University
Call for Applications: Student Overseas Exchange in the Academic Year of 2019-2020


The process of recruiting, screening, and nomination is conducted according to National Chengchi University College of Social Sciences Guidelines for Implementation of Overseas Student Exchange Program (see Appendix I, Chinese only) and under the frameworks of the exchange programs signed between the College of Social Sciences (CSS) and its partnerships.

Period of Exchange:

The period of exchange is limited to either 2019 autumn or 2020 spring semester; the applicant will be requested to specify one when applying.


  1. Please refer to the Article three from National Chengchi University College of Social Sciences Guidelines for Implementation of Overseas Student Exchange Program (Appendix I)
  2. The student nominated by CSS and accepted by the partner school is responsible to assure that s/he will be enrolled at NCCU as a full-time degree-seeking student for the whole period of time during his/her overseas exchange study.

Application Deadline and Submission:

Please fill in the online application form and submit the application documents in hard copy to the Office of College of Social Sciences by 5 P.M., March 18, 2020.

※The office of CSS is located on 13th Floor, South Wing, General Building.
※Late submission will NOT be considered.

Required Documents:

  1. Application form (Refer to Appendix II for the template.)
  2. Certificate of Student Ranking (Graduate students are exempted to present the certificate.)
  3. English and Chinese transcripts officially issued by the registrar, NCCU.
  4. Certificate of foreign language proficiency. (Note: The certificate should be still in effect; however, those who are interested in studying in China are exempted to present the certificate.)
  5. Any relevant document(s) in support of your application, such as CV, letter of recommendation (no more than two copies), any certificates that would demonstrate your skills or the events you participated in, etc.

The applicant is responsible for the authenticity of all the above-mentioned documents. And except for the certificate of language proficiency and other skills or participation of events, the original copies are required.
※The applicant needs NOT to bind the documents into a book; however, fastening them with the paper clip after putting them in order is welcome.
Please be advised that the letter of recommendation should be written either in English or in Chinese.

Specific Requirements and Openings:

For better understanding about the specific requirements of each exchange program and the number of openings, please refer to Appendix III. Some details are missing from the table in Appendix III due to the inconsistency of the agenda of our partnerships regarding student exchange; our partnerships have promised that they will be released soon and CSS will renew the Appendix III immediately once the information is available.

Briefing and Meeting for 2020-2021 Student Overseas Exchange Program:

Time: 12:10—13:00, March 4, 2020 (Please sign up on-line in advance.)
Venue: 1st Conference Room of CSS (13F, South Wing, General Building)
Link to Sign-up system: https://bit.ly/32pWbKc


Ms. Grace Wu
Office tel. no.: 02-29393091 Ext.51372
E-mail: cwunccu@nccu.edu.tw