【 公告 】國立政治大學社會科學學院107學年度赴海外交換學生甄選








  1. 欲申請香港大學、香港浸會大學、澳門大學、新加坡國立大學以及南京大學者,請於2018年3月1日(星期四)下午5點以前將紙本送至社科院辦公室(綜院南棟13樓)。
  2. 其他申請人則請於2018年3月23日(星期五)下午5點以前將紙本送至社科院辦公室(綜院南棟13樓)

※ 逾期提出申請者,恕不受理。


  1. 申請表(詳附件二)
  2. 學期班平均排名證明(研究生免繳此項)
  3. 中、英文在學成績單各一份
  4. 有效之相關語言檢定成績證明單一份(申請赴大陸交換者免繳此項)
  5. 其他補充資料,如個人簡歷表、教師推薦信(至多兩份為限)、相關證照等。

※ 上述各項文件請各準備一份,無需裝訂成冊,以長尾夾於左上角夾著即可。除語言檢定成績證明單可提供影本之外(正本備查),其餘文件以提供正本為原則。
※ 推薦函請以英文或交換國家之官方語文書寫。

六、107學年度甄選名額: 請詳附件三。(部份學校訊息尚在確認中,將陸續更新上傳)


※ 若因報名人數過多需更改地點,將於活動開始前三天以信件提醒報名者。


電話: (02)29393091分機51372 Email: yanfong@nccu.edu.tw
洽詢時間: 上午8:30至下午5:30 辦公室位置: 綜合院館南棟13樓社科院辦公室

College of Social Sciences, National Chengchi University
Call for Applications: Student Overseas Exchange in the Academic Year of 2018-2019


The process of recruiting, screening, and nominating is conducted according to National Chengchi University College of Social Sciences Guidelines for Implementation of Overseas Student Exchange Program (see Appendix I, Chinese only) and is under the frameworks of the exchange programs signed between the College of Social Sciences (CSS) and its partner schools.​

Period of Exchange:

The period of exchange is limited to semesters in either fall of 2018 or spring of 2019. Applicants will be requested to specify which semester when applying.


Please refer to Article Three of National Chengchi University College of Social Sciences Guidelines for Implementation of Overseas Student Exchange Program (Appendix I)

Any student nominated by CSS and accepted by the partner schools is responsible to assure that s/he will enroll at NCCU as a full-time degree-seeking student for the whole period of time during his/her overseas exchange study.

Application Deadline and Submission:

  1. For those who are interested in the University of Hong Kong (HKU), Hong Kong Baptist University (HKBU), University of Macau (UM), National University of Singapore (NUS), and Nanjing University (NJU) please submit your application in the hard copy format to the office of CSS by 5 P.M., March 1, 2018.
  2. For those who are interested in schools other than the above-mentioned ones, please submit your application in the hard copy format to the office of CSS by 5 P.M., March 23rd, 2018.

※ The office of CSS is located on 13/F, South Wing, General Building.
※ Late submission will NOT be accepted.

Required Documents:

  1. Application form (See Appendix II.)
  2. GPA class ranking certificate (Graduate students are exempted from presenting the certificate.)
  3. Official English and Chinese transcripts issued by the Registrar, NCCU.
  4. Certificate of foreign language proficiency. (Note: The certificate should be still in effect; however, those who are interested in studying in China are exempted from presenting the certificate.)
  5. Any relevant document(s) in support of your application, such as CV, letters of recommendation (no more than two copies), any certificates that would demonstrate your skills or the events you participated in, etc.

※ Applicants are responsible for the authenticity of all the above-mentioned documents. Except for the certificates of language proficiency and other skills or participation of events, the original copies are required.
※ DO NOT bind the documents into a book. The applicants only need to organize the documents and use a foldback clip on the upper left corner.
※ Please be advised that letters of recommendation should be written either in English or in the official language of the nation where the applicant is applying to exchange.

Specific Requirements and Openings:

For better understanding about the specific requirements of each exchange program and the number of openings, please refer to Appendix III. Some student exchange program details are unavailable due to the inconsistency among the agendas of our partner schools. However, our partner schools have promised that they will release those details as soon as possible, and CSS will renew Appendix III immediately once the information is available.

Briefing for 2018-2019 Student Overseas Exchange Program:

Time: 12:00—13:30, March 7, 2018 (Please sign up on-line in advance.)
Venue: 1st Conference Room of CSS (13/F, South Wing, General Building)
Link to Sign-up system: https://goo.gl/JLKiXd (The system will activate from Feb. 12, 2018 and end at 12:00 noon, March 4, 2018)

※ For those who are interested in HKU, HKBU, MU, NUS, and NJU, hence, are requested to submit your application before the briefing, and those who are not available to attend the briefing due to class clashing or other reasons, please feel free to contact Ms. Constance Yen via e-mail, call her at work, or meet her in the office. (See below for my contact info.)


Ms. Constance Yen
Coordinator, College of Social Sciences, National Chengchi University
E-mail: yanfong@nccu.edu.tw
Office tel. no.: 02-29393091 Ext.51372
Location of Office: 13/F, South Wing, General Building
Office Hour: 8:30 A.M.—5:30 P.M., Monday to Friday, except for the long break during Chinese New Year from Feb. 14-21, 2018.